The “A week of alternative education: Know More, Be Better!” Program is

dedicated to extracurricular and extracurricular educational activities.

During the period dedicated to this program, no courses are organized according to the usual curriculum of the school, and the program “A week of alternative education: Know More, Be Better!” is carried out according to a special schedule.

The aim of this program is to involve all preschool children / students and teachers in activities that respond to the various interests and preoccupations of preschool children / students, to highlight their talents and abilities in different fields, not necessarily in relation to those present in the national curriculum, and to stimulate their participation in various actions in non-formal contexts.

Within this program, Rossmann Romania has received a study visit at the factories in Bucharest and Suceava groups of children who have been presented the activities from companies, who learned about how to the paper and corrugated cardboard are made, how to get from the corrugated cardboard plate to the colourful packaging that they see in store shelves. They have learned about recycling, sustainability, and how to keep a cleaner Romania.

They went home delighted, filled with useful gifts for school, and enriched with interesting knowledge.

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